Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Exciting Caricature Of Me, Dave Hill

Here is something exciting. A nice fellow by the name of Adam Sacks totally drew a caricature of me and then sent it to me. I don't think I've ever seen a caricature of myself before this one, not even at an amusement park or anything (though I'm sure there are some people that would argue that I have already become a caricature of myself. Get it?), so I was pretty excited to get this. I was also kind of suprised to see how much I kind of look like Jackie Mason. Anyway, I thought I would share this with you, person on the Internet. Hopefully one day someone will do a big oil painting of me and it can hang in a haunted house or something. "I swear I just saw the eyes move," a person from the future will say. And then I will haunt their dreams and also maybe watch them take a shower. I know that sounds creepy, but that's just how it goes in the ghost world.

Dave Hill


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