Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Let Me Break It Down For You

This morning I woke up early and went to the grocery and totally bought the fuck out of a few things. The original plan was to just get some milk and then the next thing I know I’m buying banans and celery and bread and peanut butter and jelly and also the above product, Sunbelt Fruit & Nut Granola Cereal. It was only $2.19 a box (cheap for granola cereal and just cereal in general, especially here in the big city, where they charge the fuck out of people for everyday food items and other stuff besides that too). I figured since it was so cheap it probably sucked or something, but then I was all like “Fuck it, I’m gonna give it a shot.” And boy am I glad I did. The cereal was seriously good. I had two bowls of that shit and everything. Anyway, it was a nice little suprise for me and I am really excited to eat some more cereal tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know if I feel the same way in tomorrow morning, when the world could be totally different.

I was seriously thinking about buying another one of those Entenmann’s Chocolate Fudge cakes again too, especially after talking with a friend about them last night and totally being on the same page about the general greatness of cake and this specific cake in general. In the end, I decided to distract myself and not buy the cake though because I thought this might be better for my crimefighting skills. I can already feel the difference. But for the record I still really like cake. I bet you do too.

Dave Hill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sunbelt granola got me through at least two years of college. wish i'd discovered it earlier. where was your blog in 1995, dave hill? huh?

10:27 AM  

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