Monday, May 19, 2008

The Dave Hill Explosion w/John Oliver + Doug Gillard This Thurs. May 22 at the UCB Theatre

Attention People of New York City:

Mondays- am I right? Anyway, this is your man Dave Hill writing to let you know that this Thursday, which is to say May 22 on the Roman calendar, I will be showing up at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre over there in Chelsea for yet another hour or so of top notch entertainment priced to move ($5, which is seriously, like, not very much money considering you get to hang out in a dark basement with me, Dave Hill, a guy with whom it is totally fun to hang out in a dark basement). I am, of course, referring to my critically acclaimed triumph of the human spirit known in the medical community and also on the posters for my show as the Dave Hill Explosion. That sh*t starts at 9:30pm. Yeah, I know- I can't believe it either. File under: just another day in the life of being this guy. I was pointing to myself for the last part of that sentence. It made it harder to type but ultimately it was worth it. Anyway, as you can probably imagine, my show this week is going to be pretty incredible on several levels, not unlike the mighty salmon, livelihood of the coastal dwellers and awesome fish in general, that- against all odds- fights its way upstream and ultimately to its death just for a few seconds of hardcore fish banging. Folklore has it that salmon return to the exact spot where they were born to spawn. Similarly, my show this week will take place on the very stage where I first came to know the love of a good woman (and in the same socks). As if all of that is not enough, my guests at the Explosion this week will be similarly awe-inspiring. For example, the great John Oliver, popular Daily Show correspondent and known British person, as well as the great musician Doug Gillard, whom you may know from his brilliant solo work or as the guitarist for indie rock legends Guided by Voices among other stuff, will be on my show. Not too shabby. Anyway, I totally hope you can make it. You, me, John Oliver, and Doug Gillard in the same basement? I have been waiting for that sh*t my whole life. You can get tickets right here.

Dave Hill


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