My Blog Has Moved (For Real This Time)

It's true. My blog has officially moved here, complete with fancy RSS feed button and everything. I know I said that before and then backpedaled a bit, but this time it's for real- my blog is moving here. And look- I know things have been really crazy between us lately and I have said and done a lot of things that we both regret, but I am really hoping you'll come on over to my new blog address with me. It will be the same retarded blog (only with more profanity), just at a new address- this one. Plus, everything that has ever been posted here, will be archived over there. I know, I can't believe it either. Anyway, if you by chance read my blog regularly and maybe even bookmark it or have it hooked up to one of those fancy RSS feed things, I kindly ask that you change your bookmarks to this address, the new one and do that RSS feed thing over there. It's going to be really great. Trust me. I love you, like, a lot. So for real, starting now, go here, which is to say, the new address of my incredible blog that's on the Internet. The future is now!
Dave Hill