All Sorts Of Stuff

It is Monday morning and they are serving up another hot one out there. I am doing laundry, eating cereal, and pretty much taking over as usual. Yesterday I had my last performance in the popular play “Iowa ‘08”, which was discussed in some detail a post or two ago. It was really fun doing the play and I think I got slightly better as an actor-typer person in the process. I learned to talk louder and enunciate and stuff too, which is a skill I can use in almost every area of my life I am thinking.
After doing the play mentioned in the previous paragraph this past Friday night, I headed over to Joe’s Pub to host an event called “ROFL!” As hinted at in the title, the show had something to do with the Internet. More specifically it is- to quote the official Joe’s Pub website description- “the very best of the internet, lovingly hand-picked by eight of America’s most-respected blogger types for maximum freshness and optimum awesomeness.” It goes on from there. Anyway, I wasn’t really sure what to expect but it ended up being good times and was surprisingly well-attended. Banjo master Curtis Eller was my musical sidekick for the show and he was great. He plays the banjo, sings, has a great mustache, and kicks his feet really high in the air mid-song. In short, the full package.
The “ROFL!” show was not without controversy as at one point early in the show (which lasted a whopping 2 1/2 hours- partially thanks to my rambling- I should point out), I dropped my beer not-so-accidentally and shattered my glass onstage in the process, something that the Joe’s Pub staff understandably didn’t seem all that psyched about. I cleaned it up myself and everything seemed alright in the end though. I hope they have me back. It’s a classy joint. There is a piano and everything.
The rest of my weekend was spent pursuing the arts as I often do and also drinking and eating stuff, which is usually what I’m doing when not pursuing the arts or sleeping. Now it’s Monday, Tom Snyder has left us, and the word is full of possibilities.

In other news, on Friday I was walking down West 4th Street in my scenic West Village neighborhood when I saw an attractive redheaded woman pedaling toward me out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see that it was none other than Hollywood’s Julianne Moore, whom you might remember from such films as “Boogie Nights” and that one “Silence of the Lambs” sequel that Jodie Foster didn’t want to do. Anyway, I like to act like I don’t care when starlets pass me on the street but sometimes- when the starlet is just right- I’m kind of a sucker for it. Especially if they are on a bicycle. That really takes it to the next level. Also, for the record, the photo above is also hanging in the pizza shop by my house. Apparently Julianne gets her pizza there. That's a lot of cleavage to showing off in a pizza place though. I'm just saying.
In still other news, above is an interview I did with the popular comedian Dave Attell. I admittedly didn’t do the best job interviewing Dave in this one, but- hey- maybe you’ll enjoy it anyway. Dave Attell is awesome though.
Finally, the photo above is me standing in front of a large poster of myself on Hudson street. Am I a douchebag or what? Also, as you can see, for some reason I tend to sweat profusely in a silver dollar-sized area located just above my gut whenever the temperature rises of 70 degrees. This is something I am curious to speak with a member of the medical community about.
Dave Hill